Thursday, 18 February 2010

Sexy food!


I'm planning a menu at the moment for my wip, and I need it to to be sexy with a capital S!

My H&H are currently in reluctant agreement not to act on their clear and present sexual chemistry, and are road testing the meal at the request of the chef. I'm going to use it to ramp up the already raging sexual tension between them, so every course needs to be sensual to look at and to eat ( but also believable as a meal you might be served in a swanky restaurant, so no, eating strawberries out of navels is not an option, lol!)

So... what would you serve? I'm thinking of oysters and champagne as a starter, but the main course is stressing me out. Dessert I'm thinking maybe something with fresh figs drizzled with honey.
Help? Any ideas for dishes that are sensual to watch someone else eat?

The partial is ticking along well I think, I've pretty much written the draught apart from this scene. Then obviously it'll need heavy editing before sending in, but should be good to go before the deadline of the end of the month.

It's tricker this week to find writing time though as it's half term and I have the tiny terrors under my feet all day, plus the weather's rubbish so we're all going slightly stir crazy. I've got a three year old drama king who's all about the temper tantrums at the moment, and a six year old professional wind up merchant who delights in riling him. Not a good combination, they've yet to agree on anything today. Bolt or Ice age 3? Dinosaurs or train tracks? Spaghetti or penne pasta for dinner? One wants one, one wants the other, and it ALWAYS ends up with shouting from the tiny but mighty one. It's about three hours until I can pour a glass of wine, not that I'm watching the clock or anything... I love them, but roll on Monday!

Valentines day was unexpectedly nice chez moi - heart shaped toast and jam in bed with a copy of the OK magazine. We know how to live in our house, haha!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Full steam ahead

I've had word back from M & B - it's a green light for the revised plot, with some cautionary notes to think about as I go along. Phew! I'm really glad, as I didn't actually have a plan C!
One of the things i'm mulling over at the mo is time scales. How long a period is realistic for two love-allergic people to do a complete about turn and reach their HEA? My original synopsis kind of tied it all up within six weeks, but would that actually happen in real life? I'm not so sure.
The shiny new plot removes Jack's late wife & child completely, & allows more scope for sizzle & playfulness, which is good. What isn't so good is that I still want Jack to be wearing a wedding ring in the opening scene, so he's needs to have / had a wife. I'm currently going with recently divorced rather than killing her off, although I may change my mind and lop off her head with helicopter blades if I get desperate! One to try and avoid I think.
The Ed's asked for the first three chapters, and we've settled on a deadline of 28th Feb, the day before my birthday. :o) Although in actual fact it's not my birthday, as my real birthday is the 29th Feb, but it's as good as it gets for me most years.
That's not long away is it? I am full of nerves about it, the reality of what an extraordinary opportunity this is is setting in and I so don't want to blow it.
T - 25 days and counting...