Monday, 22 November 2010

Seduced by Single Title...

It's just coming on for six weeks since I sent in my first chapter of the burlesque book to be looked at by the lovely editor at M&B, and no news yet. Early days yet though so am trying no to obsess about it.
Tried Nano and have ducked out early,but it was not my fault. (I can actually hear the laughter from here.)

But seriously, it wasn't, because, Oolala, I've been seduced! I have, I have!

Well, kind of.

It all started with the fabulous 'So You Think You Can Write' event over on eharlequin.

I really wanted to enter a chapter into their '1st chapter & synopsis' with guaranteed feedback, what a golden opportunity.
BUT - you had to have a completed manuscript to sub from, or else be working madly on something to finish it in time, and sadly I fell into neither of those camps.

Not to be deterred, I thought i'd start something brand spanking new, and sat down to brainstorm - I actually had a pencil and paper and everything, lol! My plan was to try to use Nano to write something that would hopefully be up to scratch to sub.
Am glad I did too, as it resulted in a new idea I thought I could work on.

And then came the big old but...

BUT. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that it prob wouldn't work for Harlequin / M&B afterall as it needed to involve some secondary characters quite heavily. I prodded and poked it, but it was no good. It refused to fit.

But I love this story!!! I wailed into my vino & and to the lovely minxy girls, and after gnashing my teeth and moaning for a bit I made the decision to have my first ever bash at writing something different. It's still a romance of course - I love it way too much to leave it. :o)

Have to say it's all quite scary so far. Am enjoying it hugely, but on the flip side am pretty sure it's probably a big pile of crap, and at times I feel a bit rudderless without the parameters of series romance to work within.

So that's me for now.

It's just me and my single title big idea, flapping around together to see if we like each other. Or kill each other. Will report back...