Sunday, 21 August 2011

The End

Today was a happy dance day in my house - I finally typed 'The End' at, well, the end of the first draft of my manuscript.
Am going to spend the next couple of weeks with the kids, and then when they go back to school it's onwards to revisions. Am looking forward to it!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Anna Boatman talks about New Voices...


Grab a coffee and come on over to the Minxes of Romance, because...
drumroll please...
the lovely Anna Boatman, editor from Mills & Boon, has joined us to talk about much anticipated New Voices 2011 writing competition.

Are you still here? Go! Go!

Friday, 12 August 2011

It's just that....

Good news - have now officially hit ninety percent on my word count-o-meter.
That makes me H.A.P.P.Y  :O)   Plus am at the really juicy bit, so it's coming easier than it did at some points along the way. Hoping to complete this draft & be onto revisions by the time August is out.

One of the many things i'll be addressing during revisions is my frankly audacious overuse of the word 'just'.
The lovely, beautiful Wordle reliably informs me that, so far, I have used it 236 times. Holy cow! That's, like, *cough* alot, isn't it?

Note to self: Just delete those unjustifiable justs!

Do you have any words that seem to crop up over and over in your writing?