I am so thrilled to finally be able to share my big big BIG news - i've signed a contract with HarperCollins to publish my debut novel!
They requested the full manuscript after I posted the first few chapters of the book on their website Authonomy, and a couple of weeks or so ago they emailed me with the offer to publish. I cannot tell you how it felt to read that email... it was honestly amazing. From memory, I think I did a five lap victory dance around the coffee table, called my nearest and dearest, and then sat down to email the fabulous, brilliant minxes.
It's been such an exciting couple of weeks! I've settled on Jodie James as the name I will write under, and HarperCollins are running a competition to name the book! How fancy shmancy is that?
I can share all the details with you today as it's been officially announced here:
The official announcement on Authonomy
You know, I believe they may be right when they say that life begins at 40! I'm totally over the moon, it's a dream come true.
The ceremonial signing ceremony...