Sunday, 25 October 2009

The first post...

 I'm a little lost for words - not ideal for blogging, huh?

OK. I've started this blog as a place to record my ups and downs as I attempt to finally become a published romance author. 
I've wanted to for more years than I care to remember, and things have kind of slotted into place now for me to give it my best shot. 

So to that end, i've set myself a goal. 
I'm 37 going on 38 in February, and I'd love to be published by the time I hit 40. That gives me roughly two and a half years. I better get cracking.

I'm starting off by entering the Harlequin Mills and Boon 2009 writing competition - 1 chapter and a synopsis by November 2nd. I have already written it once, realised it was rubbish and started over, and the synopsis is still a mystery to me. It's a week until closing the date ( how did that happen?), and the kids are now on half term hols so my writing time has disappeared. It's not looking good, is it?

I've been at it for about 2 months now, and I have learned a little already - the wonders of the internet.
I've discovered a fantastic community of women who share the same dream, as well as published authors, all of whom give freely of their advice and have been incredibly welcoming to me as a total rookie. 
I've also learned that this is not a task for the feint hearted. 
Submitting work is a lengthy process that involves buckets of angst and nail biting, not to mention the possibility of rejection and starting all over again at the end of it. It takes real grit, and is going to test me in a way i've not been tested before. 
I am guessing that there will be alot of tears, wine and chocolate littered along the pathway to my 40th.
But to end on a positive, i've discovered that I actually love sitting down and writing, it's been a complete revelation to me. 
Win lose or draw, i've discovered a new passion, and I feel richer already. That's gotta be a good start, right?

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