Monday, 14 December 2009

Strange times...

It's been a few days now since the announcement on iheartpresents, and a strange few at that.
It's certainly made for uncomfortable reading to see good people & HMB flamed unnecessarily ... maybe it's just that i'm a newcomer to the romance writing community and probably don't have a full grip on the politics of it yet.
I have to say though that I have been personally touched by how kind and generous everyone's been to me, but I feel very saddened for Susanna & Maggie. I really hope that they both can still take pleasure in their achievements, although I expect it must have tarnished things greatly for them.
Hopefully the troubled waters will be calmed later, and business as usual will resume.


  1. Hi Joanne, I was browsing the M&B site and found your blog. I wanted to say congratulations and that I really look forward to reading your chapter. Personally I've never found anything other than support and lovely people via the forums and blogs and I think you're right, it will all blow over soon.

  2. Thank you Lorraine! I have becoming addicted to writers blogs over the last few months, and it's really struck me how universally supportive everyone is to each other. Wishing you loads of luck. xx

  3. Please, please ignore all that nonsense going on over at iheart. Until now I've only experienced the most amazing support and camaraderie from romance writers, both published and unpublished.

    Massive congratulations, and I am so looking forward to reading your chapter!

  4. Hi Romy! Thanks, it's nice to see you here :o)
    It all got a little wild over on ihearts for a bit didn't it, hopefully it'll cool down over the next week or so.
    Aside of that it seems a really fun & welcoming community to be part of , i'm looking forward to getting to know people better.
    I've no idea when the chapter will be up - i'm guessing quite a while given what's happened!
