Monday, 13 September 2010

Pass the sick bag...

Because I've just pressed send on my entry into this years Mills & Boon New Voices competition.
And I feel as sick as a dog! No breakfast in this house this morning, that's for sure.
It's called Sequins and Secrets, and it's under the contemporary romance catergory.

I've loved reading as many of the chapters that I can as they've gone on over the last week, it's impossible to try to keep up with them all isn't it? I'm tending to read most of the entries under contemporary romance first, as they are more my bag than paranormals or historicals.
Have to say though, I take my hat off to every single person who has entered because it's no mean feat to put your work out there like this.

I must confess to a few personal faves on there so far. Lorraine Wilson, Rachael Blair & Jackie Coates entries all stand out for me, and not just because I know them from blogland, but because I think they shine.

I'm totally convinced that Simon Cowell is going to pop up and laugh my entry off the stage at any moment!

Might mosey on over to Lacey's place to try and work out how to get myself a shiny New Voices entrant badge. Thank you Lacey, you rock!


  1. Just read it!! Throw away that sick bag - you DON'T need it! Your chap is awesome!!


    I have a giant hammer here for Simon Cowell or any look alikes. I'll bop 'em on the head like one of those moles popping up in a game arcade!

    Definitely grab yourself a badge, heck grab two there's no limit ;). You can go on our Wall of Fame too if you like? x

  3. I'd love that Lacey, thank you. :o)

    Thanks Rach. This is terrifying!

  4. Just read and loved your chap! Well done for being so brave!!

  5. Its a great chapter, Jo! Well done on taking the plunge.

  6. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Gave it 100% Go Joanne!

  7. Thank you for your support lovely girls!

    Am still buggering around trying to work out how to post one of Lacey's lovely badges...

  8. You already know my feelings on your chapter, so you know the 100% I gave you had absolutely nothing at all to do with the fact that you're a Minx, and everything to do with how awesome your chapter is.

  9. Hey Romy, thank you - I can't wait for you to join us over there on NV. xxx

  10. Hey, thanks for the shout-out, m'dear! And none of that feeling sick okay? You wrote a fabulous chapter!!

  11. Hey again - just reading the Blaze comments on your entry! You know what... you do have a lovely Blaze-ish voice as well and I'm wondering if your R'd mss might be worth subbing there! Just a thought. Can never have your eggs in too many baskets is my opinion... well on some things :)

  12. cheers Jackie! x

    I honestly don't know Rach - I thought they were mostly north american based stories? I did notice that two or three had said it though and it has made me wonder.
    The stubborn side of me says no, I want to aim for MH - but then if my voice isn't going that way, I guess I have to think about it?
    And aren't the wait times and chances supposed to be even more remote than subbing to Richmond?
    This comp is certainly interesting! How are your nerves holding up?

  13. I'm not saying give up on the MH dream but rather sub the R'd mss to Blaze and see what happens!? :)
    My nerves are okay. I obsessively check the ratings every five seconds but really, it doesn't matter what anyone but the eds think this time!! And who knows WHAT they'll think!

  14. Too true Rach, who knows? I am glad it's so much shorter on the waiting times with the new comp, less time to think about it is a GOOD thing. :o)

  15. your chapter is hot Joanne! Well done. It's scary isn't it being out there and public with your work?!
    You're getting lots of traffic with it, so you've done something right!!

  16. OMG Kerrin, isn't it just scary!
    Big Congrats on your entry too - are you compulsively checking over there everytime you're online now?

  17. Hi Jo, meant to stop by earlier. Your chapter is hot and very original and I loved it. Best of luck!

  18. Thank you chickita! Back atcha, loved your entry. x

  19. Need a sick bag myself - have just sent my own entry in.

    Your chapter's fab, Jo. Really love it.


  20. Your chapter is fab Joanne, have no fear. And bravo for entering! Loving your blog dots.

  21. Suz - passing you the metaphorical sick bag right now. You don't need it though, you're chapter shines. x

    Thanks so much Judy! Lovely to see you here, and congrats to you on your signing with Embrace. xx

  22. LOVED the chapter, Joanne. It was hot, fun, sexy, and well written. You have a fabulous voice. And did I mention it was HOT? Oh yeah, I guess I did. Well it deserves being said twice. Good luck!!


  23. Hey Amy,

    Thanks so much for dropping by with your well wishes, it's much appreciated. :o)
