Monday, 4 April 2011

April word count challenge

Over at the minxes we are having a BIG April writing challenge - choose your target and come and join us, we'd love to have you on board. The lovely Lacey has even made badges and word count bars for all comers. :o)


  1. Aw thanks Jo =) I probably can't take credit for the word count bars (or could I?) but I am responsible for the link :o)

    Happy April writing!

  2. Can't come and post a target as I am about to enter the hideous land of revisions again and I have no idea what that will mean for word count! I may add a few thou, I may lose a few, but until I climb into the cool dank cave I'll never find out. What you writing babe? I want to know? And I want BOTH my Rach friends to sell - so how about sending a little something to Carina so I can come and give you some support on the waiting bench?

  3. I'm failing so far ... but the month is yet young :-)

    I agree with you, Lacey is a wonder.
