Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Scrap that...

Am no longer ticking along nicely. My eldest son has a horrible virus and my littly has just this morning broken out in chicken pox, so am under house arrest with two restless kids.  The last couple of days have mostly been about taking temperatures and giving out medicine and hugs. Word count since last post = zero. Best laid plans and all that. 


  1. Oh dear, Jo. Super hugs to you and the littlies. Chicken pox is no fun at all. Definitely time to dig out those video games. Good luck :)

  2. Hugs, Jo, and hoping the whole family is better soon.

  3. Aw that SUCKS Jo! Hugs. Sometimes life gets in the way... my big advice is don't stress about writing, just accept that it's time will come when the family is better. In the meantime, look after yourself as well. If you get the chance to feed the imagination - read! And eat lots of chocolate, that goes without saying :)

  4. Hugs to you and the boys, Jo!!!

    Hope they feel better soon!

  5. Thanks all. Been to the docs this morning, little one confirmed with chicken pox, and am now thinking that the older one is most probably going to get spots over the next few days too - the virus symptoms he's showing are classic CP pre-cursors, apparently. Worse, I have been had the same 'virus' over the last week too, so may well have CP myself - we are on spot-watch all round. The drama!

  6. Oh no :-[ The good news is that when the spots are out the kids usually start feeling better. You poor lot! Hope you can enjoy the rest of the hols when all better x

  7. I've just had a week with both kids sick - horrible. Hugs!

  8. And even more hugs, Jo. Hope the boys are better soon. Keep your strength up and don't let your own resistance drop too low.

  9. aw, thanks Girls. The hugs really help. xx
