Friday, 16 July 2010

A book recommendation...

Oh my.

*Fan girl alert*

I generally love all of the releases in the Modern Heat line, but I have just finished one that really was just too gorgeous for words.
It was so beautifully written that it made me sigh with envy, and in return it has inspired me to work harder, to push on and dig deeper into my own characters.  It also perfectly demonstrated to me how you can make familiar plot lines completely fresh and utterly believable if you really think hard enough. Did I say I love it already?
It's a reunion story, so it allows for all of that deep emotion right from the get go, and boy do you get it by the bucket load.

The book in question?

Red-Hot Renegade by Kelly Hunter.
I mean, I always enjoy Kelly's books anyway, but this one... well, I love it best of all.
She's painted the characters so vividly - I fell in love with Jacob and I wanted to be Jianne's best friend, so I think you can safely say that it ticked all the boxes of a perfect romance for me.

Five stars and then some from me, it's a keeper on my book shelf.


  1. Sounds like a fantastic book - I'll have to dig my copy out of my tbr pile sooner rather than later.


  2. I'm a HUGE Kelly fan - and she's a lovely person too :) Just downloaded this book last night, so it'll be next read!

  3. Joanne, you are a bad influence. I had promised my DH that I wouldn't buy any more books until I'd read all the ones that are currently littering the house. So now I'm thinking of slipping this one into the Tesco trolley....

  4. I reckon you can get away with it as valid research Susan. ;o)

    Dig Suzanne, Dig!

    Have you met Kelly Rach? She's one of my fave Mills & Boon writers. This book is the last of the series of the Bennett Brothers - i've read two of the others so am going to hunt out the one's i've missed. Happy ereading. :o)

  5. Hi Joanne, I loved this one too. So nice to have a modern heat hero who's not rolling in money too, I thought Kelly handled the whole she's rich he's not element so masterfully, she's really a fantastic writer!

  6. The first MH I read was by Kelly Hunter - Sleeping Partner - set in Penang. It was sooo vivid and the heroine so gorgeously likeable! Yeah, I got writer's envy too, Joanne.

  7. I haven't read this one yet, but loved the duo she had out last summer. Sounds as though I need to be digging this one out of the towering tbr pile, too :-)

  8. Sounds fabulous, Joanne. Is it available on ebook, do you know?
