Tuesday, 27 July 2010

The stalker strikes again, and a snippet of news...

Following on from my slightly stalkerish behaviour of looking up M&B HQ on streetmap, I was further thrilled to discover fab pics OF THE INSIDE of the building WITH REAL LIVE PEOPLE in the shots! lol! I am sure it's OK to link for anyone equally eager, it's on the fabuloso Michelle Willinghams facebookfan page.
S'OK... you don't have to admit to being as nerdy/needy as me though. Just swizz down the page a while and you'll find pics...

And the snippet of news - I am now into week 8 since subbing my full manuscript into M&B, and the ed has kindly let me know that it's being read by the Senior Ed and they'll hopefully let me know their thoughts soon.

It was SO good to hear an update, it's really broken up the waiting time to get an idea of what's happening with it. Thank you lovely editor.
I am crossing everything I have to cross and hoping that they think it's worth revisions.


  1. Saw Michelle's pics a while ago, but so definitely worth another look!

    Yayyy on hearing from your lovely ed! Having had the privilege of reading a bit more than the general public, I can only say the Snr Ed will absolutely love it!!!

  2. Congrats Joanne - that's AWESOME news!

  3. Yeah on heaning.... hmmm I'm in week 8, going into week 9, but no news on my front... sigh

  4. Very exciting that the senior ed is having a read, Joanne, hope they don't keep you waiting too long!

  5. Everything crossed for you here, Joanne. Hoping it's good news - the best news - very soon :-)

    Best wishes,


  6. Hmm, yes, I've already stalked the indoor pics. Yes, I'm obssessed too :-)

    Hope the Snr Ed has only great things to say. As someone who has been fortunate enough to read the first 4 chaps, she'd be mad not to request revisions. It's absolutely fab!

  7. Congrats on your exciting news Joanne! Fingers crossed for revisions!

  8. Thanks chickas! Am still breathing into a brown paper bag often as I wait to hear back. ;o)
